Administering ArcadeDB
ArcadeDB is integrated with Keycloak for user authentication, attribution, and Role Based Access Controls (RBAC). The following document describes the Keycloak roles permission structure, how to create users, and how to create databases.
ArcadeDB roles are currently managed under the df-backend
client, and take the following structure:
arcade__[role type]__[permission args...] arcade__sa__[createDatabase|dropDatabase|*] arcade__dba__d-[database]__[updateSecurity|updateSchema|updateDatabaseSettings|*] arcade__dataSteward__d-[database]__t-[type] arcade__user__d-[database]__t-[type]__p-[CRUD|*]
The 4 types of roles are:
Server Admin. Server admins perform operations across the cluster, such as managing cluster nodes and databases. Currently delineated SA roles for Arcade are:
- grants the role bearer the ability to create databases on the cluster -
- grants the role bearer the ability to drop databases on the cluster -
- grants the role bearer the ability to perform any action on the cluster described in the arcade docs, including managing databases.
Database Admin. Database admins can manage schema, tuning, and maintenance of individual databases. DBA roles are authorized on a per database basis. DBA roles include:
- grants the ability to directly manage Arcade’s internal ACLs. This is granted for troubleshooting purposes, and it is not expected for DBAs to directly manage Arcade users in Arcade. Please use Keycloak roles. -
- Nodes/Vertices and Edges in Arcade by default are schemaless, and allow the users to write whatever shape of data they want within available types of nodes and edges. This can be changed on a pertype
or per field basis to enforce required properties, data types, validation, etc. -
- grants the ability to manage database tuning and maintenance activities. -
- grants the ability for the user to perform all database level actions
Data steward. Data stewards are able to manage data objects in ArcadeDb that lack proper classification markings. Ordinary users are prevented from creating objects that aren’t properly marked, but we’re allowing service accounts to write objects with missing or incomplete classification markings. These unmarked objects are hidden from ordinary users until a data steward cleans them up. Data Stewards are authorized on a per type, per database basis.
User. Users can be assigned any combination of the following permissions in a user role
: Create -
: Read -
: Update -
: Delete -
: All
Those permitted actions apply to any nodes and edges within the types of objects to which they’re authorized at the database level.
ArcadeDb users will need to have the following in the SDL Keycloak:
an active account
at least one valid Arcade role in order to be able to log into the ArcadeDb Studio. ArcadeDb API actions are authorized depending upon the presence of any required role for the requested action.
attribute (clearance-USA
is the key, input the user’s clearance abbreviation as the value. Leave off SAPs or other markings) -
(future) ACCM attributes. This will include stuff like nationality, SAPs, etc.
Creating new databases can be done through the GUI or an API call to the server command endpoint, as described in the Arcade docs.
Creating a database now requires additional options
properties above and beyond what arcade requires:
: the name(s) of the owning people or organizations -
: public or private -
: the classification of the database. Options are U, CUI, C, S, TS
In the GUI, there is a checkbox option to auto create the main Palantir wikidata based ontology types in Arcade. Just the vertex types are included, no edges yet.
When a new database is created, corresponding roles are auto created in keycloak, and auto assigned to the user who created the database so they can start using it right away. Those roles may need to be pared back by a keycloak admin after the initial setup is completed.
When a user connects to Arcade Studio, they will need to switch to the database tab (second from the top, on the left side menu), and select which database they want to connect to from the dropdown. From that tab they can also view the available types and schema information.