The Data Fabric API is rooted at https://DF_HOST/api
Swagger is also available from main nav bar in the Data Fabric UI, and documents all the available APIs.
The REST API is divided into two main categories.
Fabric Services (
) are platform services hosted/provided by Data Fabric. -
Proxied Services (
) are proxies to external services (see Proxy).
See Endpoints for full listing.
To retrieve the OpenAPI specification for a particular service, you can either
download it from the Swagger page by clicking the
hyperlink in the upper left corner (right below the title) or you can curl
for it at the base of the service API.
For example, to download the spec for the /api/v2/catalog
curl https://DF_HOST/api/v2/catalog
This will return you the YAML representation of the spec.
All Data Fabric REST endpoints support the following authentication mechanisms:
(username/password)curl -H "Authorization: Basic $(echo -n 'user:password' | base64)"
tokens (JSON Web Tokens)curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
single-sign on authorization flows (Swagger only)
In all cases, your credentials must authenticate with the Data Fabric Keycloak (which can federate with other Keycloak instances).
The Data Fabric API also provides test endpoints for testing your connection and credentials.