Keycloak User and Group Procedures
SDL Authentication Utilizes Keycloak
Accessing the Keycloak instance for your cluster
Note the SDL/Data-Fabric URL used for accessing the WebGUI
Append "/auth" to default URL, for example:
https://{{ default_URL_for_accessing_SDL }}/auth
Open a browser and navigate to the URL that includes the
path -
Click on Administration Console
Login with provided credentials
SDL Users and Groups
For all SDL configurations, be sure to verify that Keycloak realm data-fabric` is selected from the upper-left drop-down. By default, the Master realm will be selected. > Note: Not completing this step of selecting the data-fabric realm will cause any subsequent configurations to be moot and invisible to SDL.
Creating Groups
Select Groups from the
In the Groups pane, click Create group
Input the desired name for the new group
Click Create
Creating Users
Select Users from the
In the User list pane, click Add user
If the desire is to have the new user reset their password on their first login, then select Update Password from the field Required user actions
Complete Username field with desired username for the new user account
Complete any additional fields as necessary for new user account
Add new user account to respective user groups by clicking Join Groups
Click Create
Adding Existing Users to a Group
Select Users from the
In the User list pane, click on the {{ username }} of user who will be added to a group
In the {{ username }} pane, click on the Groups tab, near the top
Click Join Group
In the Join groups for user {{ username }} pane, select the checkboxes for each group that user should be included in. > Note: Multiple groups can be selected in this view.
Click Join
There are many additional functions and features that can be configured and managed from Keycloak, however, these procedures only focus on the prediscussed topics for the current effort. For more information, please contact RAFT or consult Keycloak documentation.