Data and Code Notebooks
The significance of this test is to demonstrate the following:
"As a user (developer), I can launch Jupyter notebooks in the browser to write Python, SQL code for quick and easy data analysis"
Steps to Validate Notebook Functionality
Browse to SDL instance URL and login w/ appropriate credentials
In the left-hand navigation bar, navigate to Analyze > Jupyterhub
If prompted, login to keycloak SSO
Wait for Jupyterhub app complete initialization - may take approx. 90 seconds
In Jupyterhub app, double-click the examples directory
Select the object_store.ipynb notebook and click the "play" button, stepping through the notebook
Note after step 3 completes, there should be a list of Minio Buckets displayed
Note after step 4 completes, there should be an object write result
Note after step 5 completes, there should be some files listed
If the correct data is displayed after each step, then this test has succeeded.